Remembering Our Cherished Islanders
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Ann Newidgate Mills
Ann passed away peacefully in her sleep on December 13, 2023, following a cancer diagnosis. Her family was in attendance, and she received comfort from her affectionate cats. An internationally recognized artist who wove her fascinating life into a wide variety of media, Ann relentlessly gained knowledge, sharing it with students of any age and embracing vibrant social circles. Ann was born in Grahamstown, South Africa on August 17, 1934, to Harry Newdigate and Amy Newdigate (nee Hoole). Growing up in Plettenberg Bay, Ann developed a love for the seaside, a delight in humorous characters and profound affection for her large family. She is predeceased by her siblings Joy Evans, Rosalind Thesen and Jim Newdigate. She married John Mills in 1962 and they formed a life-long bond made stronger by mutual passion for culture and gastronomy. They shared a commitment to social justice, exemplified by active participation in resistance to the apartheid system. In 1966, they moved to Saskatoon with their son Julian. Their daughter, Josephine, was born shortly after arriving in Canada. Ann was a dedicated community builder, including being a founding part of the Saskatoon Open School. In 1999, John and Ann relocated to their cottage at Hornby Island, where they had brought their family since 1970. Ann loved Hornby's distinctive qualities, appreciated the island's wonderfully supportive community and gratefully participated in community building events. Ann's education began at St. Winnifred's in George and Dioscesan School for Girls in Grahamstown. She went on to earn a B.A. from The University of Cape Town, followed by a BFA and MFA from The University of Saskatchewan. She did post-graduate studies at the Edinburgh College of Art and was a Visiting Fellow at Monash University in Melbourne, where she inaugurated a course in tapestry. Throughout her life, Ann was dedicated to teaching and mentoring, sharing insights with established artists and leading workshops for children. Ann's professional life began by working for The British High Commission in Pretoria and Cape Town. She spent a year working in pubs in London, before returning to South Africa to work for advertising agencies and the Progressive Party at its inception. Ann brought the experience of living in different countries at different historical moments to her vocation: a professional artist who worked in a wide variety of media, most notably tapestry. She won a commission to install a tapestry at Moshe Safdie's Ottawa City Hall, and had many solo exhibitions including in New York, Toronto, Edinburgh and Melbourne. She exhibited in group shows throughout Canada, in France, Norway, London, Scotland, Australia and South Africa. She served on the Saskatchewan Arts Board, as well as serving on Canada Council juries including one to choose the Governor General's prize. Ann was awarded a Life Time Achievement from the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan. Ann was predeceased by John, and is survived by Julian, Julian's spouse Julie Dorsch, and granddaughter, Gabrielle Mills, Josephine and Josie's spouse, Leila Armstrong. In lieu of flowers, Ann's family is suggesting a donation to Hornby Denman Health.
Published by The Globe and Mail from Dec. 30, 2023 to Jan. 3, 2024.
Link to Obituary
Margo Rae Ellis
In Loving Memory of Margo Rae Ellis
Margo Rae (Rehill) Ellis, was born on the summer solstice in 1927 and died February 13, 2024 at 96 years of age. Daughter of Dr. Ross Rehill and Edna (Anderson) Rehill, Rae was raised in Kamsack, Saskatchewan and she retained a love of wide-open skies for life. Her only sibling and beloved older brother, Don, died as a WWII pilot. Rae also obtained her pilot’s licence, and sometimes flew her father to remote communities to attend to his patients.
Rae moved to Vancouver in her early 20s and soon after married Hugh “Kendy” Ellis. They raised four children in the city and then Tsawwassen before divorcing in 1974. Years later she married Ken Barrass in Calgary and they moved to Denman Island in 1984 where Rae lived for about 20 years, the last half as a single woman. Always embracing change, at 75 years old, Rae moved to West Vancouver and at 95 to Courtenay.
Throughout her life, Rae was an active volunteer and supporter of a diversity of health, arts and youth organizations. She volunteered for the Cancer Society, Girl Guides, the churches she attended, the Delta Community Arts Society, and the Ladner Community Hall and co-founded the Denman Island Spinners and Weavers. She once was the chair of the BC Paraplegic Association and of the Denman and Hornby Community Health Care Society. Rae was also an imaginative organizer of community and fundraising events; for a number of years, she turned the family home into a temporary art gallery for the Delta Community Arts Society and the family barn into a nativity scene performance to raise money for the Empty Stocking Fund.
Rae didn’t shy from trying new things. She took a turn at being a real estate agent and at owning a health food store, a wool shop, and a craft store. She designed three of her homes. She was an enthusiastic creator, photographer, spinner, knitter and weaver. She loved the outdoors and often could be found hiking, fishing, camping or sailing. Tennis was also a passion which she played well into her 70s. The crib board was always handy in her home, and she was an ace at duplicate bridge. She was an excellent host.
Rae nurtured close relationships with friends near and far, young and old, over decades. She is fondly admired by a wide network of extended family, friends, community members and staff at Glacier View Lodge. As the latter will attest, Rae retained her sense of humour until the end. We thank them for their loving care.
Rae was predeceased by an infant son, Robert, and is survived by four children, Megan, Jim, David (Beth) and Jenn (Mike), and three grandchildren, Hannah, Emma and Adrienne.
If you would like to be notified of an online celebration of life for Rae, or would like to send the family a favourite photo of Rae, please email:
You can view a slideshow of Rae on the published obituary.In lieu of flowers, donations to a cause Rae herself supported would be an appreciated way of honouring her long life.
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Margo Rae Ellis, please visit our floral store.